I'd just like to extend my heartfelt thanks and send my big big hugs
to two customers for their very kind & touching gestures!!
Thank you so much...
... Angel Valerie, for reviewing us in your blog!
I am truly touched and grateful
for your time and effort in writing the review!!
You're such a wonderfully understanding and kind customer,
love ya to bits hun!! *hug hug*
Check out Angel's review post here.
Here are screen shots of the post!
Yes, VERY LONG right? =DD
TQ so much girl!!
... Balqis, for sending in pictures of you
wearing the Kimono that you got from us!
It was so sweet of you to make my day,
you look really beautiful in the Kimono Paisley, dear!
Here are the pictures that Balqis sent in :)

Thank you so so much once again darlings!!
To all my other customers, please don't hesitate to let me know
if you've done anything similar, I'd like to appreciate you ya dearies!!
Thank you!! ;D
Thank you so much...
... Angel Valerie, for reviewing us in your blog!
I am truly touched and grateful
for your time and effort in writing the review!!
You're such a wonderfully understanding and kind customer,
love ya to bits hun!! *hug hug*
Check out Angel's review post here.
Here are screen shots of the post!
Yes, VERY LONG right? =DD
TQ so much girl!!
... Balqis, for sending in pictures of you
wearing the Kimono that you got from us!
It was so sweet of you to make my day,
you look really beautiful in the Kimono Paisley, dear!
Here are the pictures that Balqis sent in :)

Thank you so so much once again darlings!!
To all my other customers, please don't hesitate to let me know
if you've done anything similar, I'd like to appreciate you ya dearies!!
Thank you!! ;D